Our primary colour cyan is used for the logo, superimposed symbol and spaces. This allows us to reinforce the colour as a recognisable differentiating characteristic of Oventrop.Cyan is used as a highlight colour – with a proportion of max. 15%.The base colour white provides the foundation for the visual appearance. Two grey tones round off the spectrum of the primary colours; they may be used for typographical applications, for example.Anthracite PD – a darker version of anthracite – is used for product designs.
CYAN80Pantone 2995 CRAL 5012 Light BlueNCS S 1069-BOracal 951 053 Bright BlueC80 M0 Y0 K0R0 G177 B235HEX 00b1eb
WHITEC0 M0 Y0 K0R255 G255 B255HEX ffffff
LIGHT GREYPantone Cool Grey 5 CRAL 7004 Signal GreyNCS S 2002-R50-BOracal 951 730 Simple GreyC6 M5 Y0 K27R194 G194 B200HEX c2c2c8
ANTRHACITEPantone Cool Grey 10 CRAL 7011 Iron GreyNCS S 6502-BOracal 951 713 Iron GreyC15 M0 Y0 K75R87 G94 B98HEX 575e62
Anthracite PD only for product designsPantone Cool Grey 11 CRAL 7016 Anthracite GreyNCS S 7500-NOracal 951 073 Dark GreyC15 M0 Y0 K85 R64 G70 B73 HEX 404649
For complex infographics and diagrams in which the range of primary colours is not sufficient, four secondary colours are available for further differentiation.These can be used in colour gradients of 70%, 50% and 30%.
RED C0 M100 Y90 K5 R219 G7 B32 HEX db0720
PURPLE C60 M95 Y0 K0 R131 G44 B135 HEX 832c87
GREEN C80 M0 Y60 K0 R0 G169 B132 HEX 00a984
BLUE C100 M0 Y0 K50 R0 G98 B139 HEX 00628b